Archive | February, 2016

The Best Day Ever

28 Feb

This week included the fun celebration of my birthday. I love turning 64 and all the learning opportunities that come with it. We had guests visiting from Austin and it was delightful to see their eyes sparkle as they took in our home and our laguna. Photos can’t compare with direct experience.


Alex and Isa taking selfies at Restaurant La Playita

The fall I took a month ago limited the activities available to us for the day. I decided against visiting the prison in Chetumal where prisoners make and sell hammocks and other artesanias. Too much walking. I’ve also wanted to take my mother-in-law to Mahahual on the Caribbean. There’s a lovely malecón/boardwalk, and we pass an organic farm on the way home. Again, too much walking. So with our friend David driving, we went to visit the Mennonite community west of Bacalar.


David took us to visit a family that he had worked with previously. The dad is an ace mechanic. We got to take some pictures with the family. They gave us homemade cheese and rolls. The Mennonites speak high German and enough Spanish to bring their wares to market.


Cow’s milk cheese and homemade rolls made a tasty lunch.

Life is simple and that includes transportation.


Horse-pulled buggies with blond, blue eyed children checking us out.

The afternoon wrapped up back at home with a birthday cake among friends.


Mocha tres leches mmmmm.

It was such a sweet day. And truth be told. Everyday is the best day of my life.


Papa Francisco’s Visit To Mexico

21 Feb

This week, I was able to watch Mexican TV while visiting a friend and avoiding the fumes of sealing our concrete floors. Most channels were devoted to coverage of the Pope’s visit to Mexico. I was raised Catholic and have mixed feelings about The Church, but this day I was in awe of this Pope and his message. 


The crowds gathered in Chiapas.

The mass celebrated in the mountainous region of Chiapas was devoted to the indígenas of Mexico. Most people don’t know that there are a million people in the state of Chiapas alone who’s first language is not Spanish. They are the poorest and the proudest. They came in droves and dressed in their best. As the cameras scanned the crowd, it was fun to see simple people recognize themselves on the huge TV screens set up for optimal viewing.


Forgive my photos of a TV.

Parts of the celebration were in Tzotzil and Tzelta. A line of men and women in native garb took turns addressing the Pope. I was hoping for someone to go off script, but it didn’t happen.


The women’s voices were given equal time.

The Pope asked for forgiveness for the decimation of native populations by the Church, government and European invaders.


The Pope’s message spoken to common people.

While many attacked the Pope’s message as nothing but empty words, I was most impressed by his asking for help with climate change. People who live simple lives, close to the land have a lot to teach the rest of us. If we will only listen.


It’s been a week of laying low and continued rest. The Pope’s message gave me hope, which is in short supply these days while observing the US political shenanigans. Maybe Hilary and Bernie could run together. Now wouldn’t that be an interesting possibility. Please post comments below. DOS TORTAS


Liar Liar

14 Feb

When thinking about writing this week, absolutely nothing came to mind. Nada, zilch, zero. I tried, pondered, came across some options and dismissed them. Basically I’m lying and I’m trying to keep it hidden. Pants on fire and all that.


Hanging out with Luna.

I am still recovering from a fall. I wrote about it in a blog two weeks ago and failed to share that it was more than a sprained ankle.


I have hardly been out of the house.

I returned to the doctor with groin pain and an x-ray revealed a compressed pubic bone. The doctor prescribed six weeks of rest, reposo. I’m not good at reposo.


Landscaping along the Laguna.

So when I went to write this week’s blog entry, I had no pithy story or philosophical awareness to share. The truth is, I’m embarrassed. I guess I think you won’t hang with me if I’m not entertaining or profound. Super woman I am not. No sympathy please. My body is healing. I’m trying not to take the pain personal and instead be grateful. Hope you have a great week. Mine will be, because I said so!


Let’s Workout!

7 Feb

When Dos Tortas scouted Laguna Bacalar in southern Mexico as a possible retirement location, we boated on the lake, sampled the cuisine and met members of the expat community. We cruised the streets, shopped in the mercado, and attended a cultural event, all in an effort to imagine ourselves living in this quaint little town. What we didn’t do was visit the gym. 


The Gold’s Gym of Bacalar

Prior to moving to Mexico from Austin, Texas, I had a gym membership and worked out regularly. We had a large yoga studio within walking distance and dozens of hike and bike trails.


A bit antiquated but surprisingly adequate.

When we moved to Mexico, we brought our own gym, kettle bells, exercise ball, bicycles, yoga videos, kayaks and more. All were adequate until Lisa had back surgery and her doctor prescribed workouts on a stationary bike. Mmmmmm.


Lisa and her mom scoping out the equipment.

While the attendance of three older women is looked at with curiosity by the youthful attendees, everyone is respectful, especially when it’s clear that we mean business. Cost? 250 pesos a month, less than $15 for unlimited visits.


Living an adventurous life means making daily choices to do the things we need to stay strong and healthy. We like to mix it up, so our funky gym is absolutely perfect. What do you do for exercise? DOS TORTAS



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