Archive | September, 2023

Sisters Sisters

24 Sep

Our visit to Alaska was special in many ways. Besides the wildlife, snow topped mountains, and glaciers, there was time spent with Lisa’s Great Aunt Edna. I was a fly on the wall to witness their love and connection. It was a beautiful thing.

I only hope to age as gracefully as this dynamo.

Edna is Lisa’s great aunt, her grandmother’s youngest and only remaining sister. As Lisa was the oldest grandchild, she and her aunt share many memories that few in the family possess. Text messages passed between them every few months allowing connection as only our electronic age permits when one lives in Mexico and the other in Alaska. When Lisa declared her desire to visit her almost ninety year old aunt, I thought, “why not?” I did not expect to find the vibrant, capable and engaging woman that I did. BTW she is a big Dos Tortas fan and follower.

Did I mention that Edna was the youngest of eight sisters?

Edna and her sisters were very close. Every year they had Sister Reunion. Sometimes that meant staying in a hotel together, especially as the elders aged.

Sister reunions also included adventures.

The Sister Reunions were sacrosanct and no one was allowed entry. As the favorite granddaughter of Edith, Lisa sometimes wrangled her way in and got to know all her great aunts. Once a group of them traveled to Europe while Lisa was in the military. They toured the museums and sites, generally having the time of their lives.

During our visit, I busied myself preparing meals while Lisa and Edna culled through forty photo albums and packed up her apartment for the move to Portland, USA. Edna is leaving Alaska after sixty years for assisted living. She fell and broke her pelvis a couple of years ago. Alaskan winters are rough, dark and cold. She is ready for a change, bittersweet as it is.

I felt privileged to meet Edna and witness a reunion of a slightly different yet equally poignant kind.


Sisters Sisters by Irving Berlin. Movie classic, White Christmas.

From Bacalar To Alaska

17 Sep

When people come to visit us in the jungle of southern Mexico I admit to being less than understanding with their inability to deal with the heat. Winter is the best time to visit Bacalar. Sometimes one even needs a light jacket or shawl! It’s really not that bad. Ha!

Now Alaska is the exact opposite, even in the late summer. Lisa’s cousin walks around the house in a t-shirt while I look like a homeless person wearing all the layers I brought with me.

The view from our bedroom window the evening we arrived.
Denali (highest peak in North America) on the right
made an appearance after a few days.
First time seeing a glacier.
The sky is magical. Cook Inlet is on the horizon.
A rugged environment for an old gold mind.
The art museum in Anchorage was amazing.

What an wild and wonderful place is Alaska. I can’t imagine living here. I guess like Bacalar, it takes acclimation. We will be home Monday after almost six weeks traveling. I miss my dogs.


Hanging With The Chicks

10 Sep

Lisa was released from the hospital in Tacoma, Washington on Monday with a fistful of antibiotics and admonition to rest. The doctor was quite impressed with the speed of her recovery and sent us on our way to continue our vacation. Lisa had been in the hospital five days with a kidney infection.

Amtrack train station

We skedaddled from the hospital and managed to make the train to Seattle and from there a bus to Vancouver. Crossing the Canadian border was where the adventure really began.

Crossing into Canada.

There were two unmarked high tech tour buses waiting in line in front of us and three behind us. Our driver commented that they were likely a band heading to Vancouver for an upcoming performance.

Lisa’s narration of traveling with the band.

Out of curiosity I pulled out my phone for a quick google. I discovered that The Chicks, (formerly known as The Dixie Chicks) were playing the next night at Rogers Arena, not far from our hotel. With confirmation and a “wink wink” from the border guards, we got excited. Even the bus driver pulled out his phone and began playing “Wide Open Spaces”.

So naturally I bought tickets!

The concert was awesome!! The arena was packed with a plethora of boots, cowboy/girl hats and sequins. We had great seats and had so much fun.

A packed arena with energy through the roof.

Vancouver itself didn’t disappoint. The first morning I ambled down the street wide-eyed. I felt like someone just released from prison.

View from our hotel.

Unknowingly we were staying in the queer section of town. There were rainbows everywhere. The variety of restaurants alone made my head spin, Himalayan, Greek, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, all on the same block.

We will definitely be back.


Vacation Detour

3 Sep

We left Northern California for Seattle, Washington on Monday. We were on to cooler climes and a visit with friends before heading to Vancouver Canada.

My daughter and twin granddaughters.

Unfortunately things took an unexpected detour.

Lisa got sick and ended up in the hospital. A nasty UTI (urinary tract infection) which traveled to her kidneys, has her with an IV pumping antibiotics into her arm until Tuesday. So much for Vancouver. At this point we’re grateful she’s alive and healing. She was one sick puppy.

Near my hotel is an art museum with Chihuly glass.
Native artists and subject matter.
Powerful images from native artists.

It’s been a crazy week. We literally opened google maps and went to the nearest hospital. We lucked out. The doctors and staff have been amazing. We are so very grateful.



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