Meet the Neighbors

6 Oct

From the minute I hit “send” on Sunday my thoughts turn to what to write for the next week. I look for interesting patterns, new items to share, or ah-ha moments. This week is encounters with insect, reptile and bird neighbors. The photos are from the internet, not mine.

Lisa saw a very large snake crossing the driveway where we live. Upon research, we learned that the mangrove snake is one of the largest snakes in the tropics. What Lisa saw was at least 6′ long. They are harmless to humans who leave them alone.

Mangrove Snake

Mangrove Snake

We have a neighbor about twenty miles up the lake who has a young crocodile hanging out near her dock. With the swollen lake, the cocodrillos sometimes move into human habitats. There have been numerous postings to the expat Yahoo Group as to how to relocate the 3′ long youngster. The running request is that it goes FAR from Bacalar.

Young Cocodrillo

Young Cocodrillo

We frequently see snail kites, large black and white hawks that chow down on the juicy snails that abound in Laguna Bacalar. Locals harvest the snails for ceviche, a delicacy for humans and lunch for the hawks.

Snail Kite

Snail Kite

Last night Lisa called me to come quietly and bring the camera. I was not lucky enough to catch a photo of these camera shy moths that have been hanging around. Here is the internet version. They have large “eyes” on their wings to trick predators.

Large Moth

Large Moth

We watch dragon flies flutter in the evening air and geckos, small nocturnal lizards scurry across the ceiling both inside and out. Life in the tropics is certainly a chance to meet many new and interesting neighbors.

Another Amazing Sunrise

Another Amazing Sunrise

Have Faith

Have Faith

5 Responses to “Meet the Neighbors”

  1. brucekelley October 6, 2013 at 1:04 pm #

    Boy oh boy, if I came across a 6′ Mangrove snake, I’d probably have a heart attack! And I guess we have cocodrillos in this area as well, but no experiences yet.
    Enjoyed the post, Alex!


    • October 6, 2013 at 2:31 pm #

      Its common to believe scarey stories about snakes. They are an important part of the environment and mostly mind their own business. Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Ellen Heath October 6, 2013 at 1:20 pm #

    Alex, you are such a talented writer. Thank you for this blog! It is delightful, entertaining and informational, and I look forward to reading what you have to say each week. Yay to you and Lisa for following your dream!


    • afish25 October 6, 2013 at 2:35 pm #

      Thanks Ellen, and I appreciate your comments. It’s nice to hear what people think. Any suggestions for future blogs? What would you like to know more about?


      • lizabett October 13, 2013 at 1:46 pm #

        Alex your posts are wonderful, though I do not always comment I do look forward to them every day. Wish I was as committed to my blog!


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