Rainy Day Sunday on Laguna Bacalar

18 Oct

It seems Mother Nature decided to make up for this year’s lack of a rainy season on Laguna Bacalar, all in one week.The birds love it and lord knows we need the rain. The sky is grumbling and showing no signs of letting up. Gotta love it.


Our ramp turned water slide.

It’s been a good opportunity to see how all the landscaping in our new house manages runoff. But mostly it’s been a forced stay-at-home opportunity to relax. We’ll have to do some tweaking on the landscaping, but all in all, it looks pretty good. The big challenges living here are wind and rain. It comes with the territory in this most southern part of North America.

The carpintero came yesterday to install an interior door. His progress is slow since most of his work is done outside. The door is stunning, so we don’t mind waiting. This week we will have kitchen shelves installed. ¡Gracias a dios!


Jose Lewis master carpenter.

We also managed to get some artwork on the walls. Lisa and I bought a lovely wooden wall sculpture in Valladolid on our Tour de Yucatan this past June (2015). The colors match perfectly don’t you think?

Our Lady of Guadalupe, sacred Catholic icon.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, sacred Catholic icon.

I was raised Catholic and The Virgin of Guadalupe has always been the female expression of God to me. It actually seems like our house was built just for her.


View including the porch.

Another piece that we bought on the Yucatan trip was a mother and child mestiza woman. She sits in our little rainy-day bamboo garden.

The bamboo explodes with growth in the rain.

The bamboo explodes with growth in the rain.

While we are enjoying the cool weather and adjusting to life in the jungle, we continue to heal, Lisa from back surgery and me from chikengunya (see We Plan God Laughs) All is well, just very wet.


6 Responses to “Rainy Day Sunday on Laguna Bacalar”

  1. Emily October 18, 2015 at 3:16 pm #

    Your Lady of Guadelupe art piece could not be any more perfect! I’m not at all religious, but I sure do love that in your house with all the great colors. Hoping the rain ends soon…we’re getting it in Playa as well, but like you said, it was needed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • afish25 October 18, 2015 at 3:21 pm #

      Not religious myself Emily. But I feel the love.


      • Edie Willhite June 8, 2023 at 4:11 am #

        Heading to Bacalar this weekend for a week and it says 50-60% chance of rain every day. Does the rain stay all day or can we hope to have some sunshine mixed in there? 🙏

        Liked by 1 person

      • afish25 June 8, 2023 at 10:57 am #

        It’s only been raining at night. But it’s definitely HOT so take note.


    • afish25 October 18, 2015 at 7:42 pm #

      She makes me so happy to look at her.


  2. emilievardaman October 18, 2015 at 7:17 pm #

    I love the Virgin. I am not and never have been Catholic. I carry no religion at all. But She is a mystical goddess to me. Lovely piece.

    Liked by 1 person

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